La toile blanche d'Edward Hopper

Jean-Pierre Devillers, France, Germany, 2012o


Who is not eagerly waiting for the reopening of the Edward Hopper exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler? To shorten the waiting time, here is a documentary in which the 1967 deceased, his wife and a companion speak personally about the work of the great American painter. Hopper, half realist, half impressionist, is one of the masters of light and remains unforgettable for his mood-saturated interiors, in which lonely people seem to ponder on their lives and appear as if in a melo or film noir in colors. It is no coincidence that directors like Wim Wenders and David Lynch are among Hopper's admirers. The film shows his career as well as his technique and his melancholic nature. (afu)

Très classique et didactique, le documentaire brasse à la fois les grands thèmes et les principales lignes esthétiques qui parcourent l’œuvre de Hopper, tout en suivant chronologiquement la biographie du peintre. Ce choix de la concentration sur l’éparpillement constitue une bonne introduction à l’œuvre, sans prétendre en déchiffrer toutes les clés. Les interventions de Wim Wenders, en particulier, apportent un regard extérieur et personnel – un regard « d’artiste » – sur le travail de Hopper.

La Rédaction


Movie Datao

Other titles
Das Auge des Edward Hopper DE
Running time
52 Min.
Original languages
English, German, French
ØYour rating7.0/10
IMDB user:
7.2 (75)
6.5 (12)
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Edward Hopperhimself
Josephine Hopperherself
Alain Florethimself
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