Fight Club

David Fincher, Germany, USA, 1999o


A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion.

It's the rawest, most hot-blooded, provocatively audacious, dangerous movie to come of out Hollywood this year, serving as both a supercharged spectacle and a scorching, though problematic screed against materialism, consumption and vanity. The film has one of the most enthrallingly told first halves you'll see, brought to you by a band of subversives on both sides of the camera who are at the vanguard of their crafts, with a particularly inventive and mind-blowing performance by Norton.

Wesley Morris

Fincher zerlegt durch seine Bilder und Symbole den amerikanischen Film und damit auch die westliche Konsumgesellschaft in all seine Bestandteile. Denn nicht nur die Geschichte des Films, sondern auch seine Erzählweise und Ästhetik unterlaufen jegliche Regeln des amerikanischen Kinos. Die Bilder ausserhalb der Brutalität - die hier eher den verzweifelten Versuch des Ausbruchs aus der Gegenwart als die Verherrlichung von Gewalt darstellen - lassen den Zuschauer eine unbekannte Kinodimension erfahren.

Nina De Fazio


Movie Datao

Running time
139 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating8.8/10
IMDB user:
8.8 (2306679)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Edward NortonThe Narrator
Brad PittTyler Durden
Meat LoafRobert 'Bob' Paulson
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